Abstract Title: * Top view of a kinked filament eruption Authors: * Duchlev, P., Koleva, K., Dechev, M. Institution: * Institute of Astronomy with National Astronomical Observatory, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences Preferred format: * poster presentation Abstract Text: * We report results from investigation of the morphology, kinematic and helicity evolution of a filament/prominence eruption that occurred on 2011 May 13. It was observed from almost a top position in the AIA/SDO field of view. The location of the filament near the southwestern limb makes it an extremely favorable for analyzing of its morphological, geometrical, helicity, and kink evolution during the filament eruption. We used observations from AIA/SDO and EUVI/STEREO to analyze the eruption process from two different view point. The filament eruption was studied and discussed in the context of the magnetic flux rope model of solar prominences.